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Finding The Right College: Look For A College that Fits Your Teenager

“Which college is best for me?” Parents want to send their teenagers to colleges where they can be successful. But how can parents and students find those schools? Which college is the right college? The experts at College Liftoff help you get started with finding a college that fits your teenager.

The Right College: Choosing the “Right Fit” College


When we’re talking about choosing the right-fit school for your student, it’s kind of an undercover way of talking about career planning with your student, because that’s going to end up being the driver of every decision you make regarding school choice. So when we start there as a foundation, we build from that level up. And you all know about building a home. Start with a good solid foundation and then we can build up successfully.

So what we’re going to cover is talking about what a “Best Fit” school even is, the characteristics of that type of school. What’s your best fit role as a parent, how can you be a best parent through this process, what are some things you can do to support your student in making these decisions? How do you develop a target list of schools? And really at the end of the day, this is a product of the hard work and career development and evaluating the academic programs that we’ll talk through with you. You know, the target list development becomes kind of a quick task at the end of the day. And then some tips on moving forward.

So we’re big Stephen Covey fans. He has stayed true to the work that he’s done, and habit number two is beginning with the end in mind. We talked a little bit about this in the last session because some folks wanted to go to the life skills class, did anybody go to that already? Life skills? So we talked about, you know, beginning with the end in mind, having a goal and positioning our students to have a goal going into this whole college planning deal.

(For the rest of this presentation, please view the video.)

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