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300+ Truth or Dare Questions for Teens

Truth or Dare is a classic game that is often played among teens at parties and sleepovers! Whether you’re in the mood to spill some secrets or take on hilarious challenges, this game has something for everyone. Sometimes it can be hard to think of truths and dares, so we’ve put together this list of truth or dare questions for teens!

How to Play Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare is usually played in a group sitting in a circle. When it is someone’s turn, the person who went before them asks if they want a truth or a dare. If they choose truth, they’re asked a question that they have to answer truthfully. If they choose a dare, they’re dared to do something. These truths and dares are generally juicy, or embarrassing. After that person’s turn is over, they move on to the next. It is important to respect everyone playing. Don’t force or pressure anyone to do anything that they’re not comfortable with.

Truth Questions

What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?

If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

What’s a lie you’ve told to get out of trouble?

Have you ever skipped school without your parents knowing?

What’s the most childish thing you still do?

What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had?

Who would you call in an emergency, aside from your parents?

What’s the most awkward moment you’ve ever had at school?

What’s the most ridiculous rumor you’ve heard about yourself?

What’s one thing you wish you were better at?

Have you ever pretended to like a gift you didn’t really like?

What’s your go-to excuse when you don’t want to hang out?

What’s your most embarrassing moment on social media?

What’s the longest you’ve gone without showering?

Have you ever lied about your age to get into something?

What’s your biggest fear that you’re embarrassed to admit?

Have you ever stalked someone online?

What’s the most awkward text you’ve accidentally sent to someone?

What’s something silly you’re still afraid of?

Have you ever accidentally said something out loud that you were thinking?

What’s the weirdest habit you have?

What’s the most annoying thing your sibling has ever done to you?

Have you ever broken something and blamed someone else?

What’s one thing you’ve done that you wish you could take back?

Who is the last person you texted, and what did you say?

What’s the worst trouble you’ve ever gotten into at school?

Have you ever cried during a movie? Which one?

What’s the most awkward encounter you’ve had with a stranger?

What’s something you’ve done that you’re surprised you didn’t get caught for?

If you could switch places with one person in this room for a day, who would it be?

What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you in public?

Have you ever been scared of something really silly?

What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever argued about with a friend?

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done in front of a mirror?

What’s something you’ve done just to impress someone?

What’s the most embarrassing song on your playlist?

Have you ever lied about liking a movie or TV show to fit in?

Have you ever walked into the wrong classroom or building?

Have you ever faked being sick to skip school or an event?

What’s your most cringeworthy selfie?

Have you ever tried to pull a prank that failed?

What’s the weirdest conversation you’ve ever overheard?

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever bought?

What’s the most awkward thing that’s ever happened to you at a party?

What’s the worst lie you’ve ever been caught telling?

What’s the last thing that made you cry from laughter?

Have you ever sent a text and immediately regretted it?

What’s the most awkward text message you’ve received?

Have you ever been caught doing something embarrassing by your parents?

What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever been afraid of?

Have you ever accidentally said something bad in front of a little kid?

What’s something you’ve done that seemed like a good idea at the time but wasn’t?

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever found in your backpack?

If you could be invisible for a day, what’s the first thing you would do?

Have you ever pretended to understand something when you didn’t?

If you could be famous for one day, what would you do?

Have you ever told a joke that no one laughed at?

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever collected?

If you could have a weird superpower, what would it be?

What’s the longest time you’ve gone without using your phone?

Have you ever worn something because you thought it looked cool, but later regretted it?

Deep Truth Questions

What’s something you’ve done that you would never tell your parents about?

What’s your biggest regret?

Do you want kids later in life? If so, how many?

Who is your most trustworthy friend?

Do you think you’ll be able to achieve your dreams?

What’s something you’ve done that no one knows about?

What is your biggest fear?

What’s something you wish you could un-see?

Have you ever told a secret you promised to keep?

Have you ever had a dream about someone in this room?

Who in the room do you think will be the most successful?

Truth or Dare Questions for Middle Schoolers

If you could swap lives with anyone for a day, who would it be?

If you could be famous for one thing, what would it be?

What’s your least favorite subject in school and why?

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?

Who is your favorite teacher and why?

What’s your most-used emoji?

Have you ever accidentally called your teacher “mom” or “dad”?

What’s your least favorite chore at home?

What’s the worst excuse you’ve ever used to get out of doing homework?

What’s your favorite meme?

Have you ever fallen asleep in class?

Have you ever tripped in public and tried to play it cool?

What’s the longest time you’ve gone without sleeping?

Have you ever forgotten someone’s birthday?

Have you ever copied someone’s homework or let them copy yours?

What’s the longest you’ve gone without brushing your teeth?

Funny Truth or Dare Questions

What’s the most embarrassing outfit you’ve ever worn?

What’s the funniest joke you know?

What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re alone?

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve posted online?

What’s the funniest YouTube video you’ve ever watched?

Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction in public?

What’s the most awkward thing you’ve done on a first day at school?

Have you ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong person? What did it say?

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve said in front of a teacher?

What’s your favorite guilty pleasure TV show?

Have you ever laughed so hard that your drink came out of your nose?

Have you ever ripped your pants?

Juicy Truth or Dare Questions

Have you ever had a crush on someone in this room?

Who is at school do you think would be a cute couple?

Who was your first celebrity crush?

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a crush?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

Have you ever told someone you loved them, but didn’t mean it?

What’s a secret you kept from your best friend?

Have you ever had a crush on someone you weren’t supposed to?

Have you ever had a crush on someone your best friend liked?

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever done to get someone’s attention

Truth questions for couples

What’s your favorite memory together as a couple?

What’s the most romantic thing you’ve done for each other?

If you could relive one day of your relationship, what day would it be?

What’s the funniest moment you’ve shared as a couple?

What’s one thing you would both like to improve about your relationship?

Who said “I love you” first, and how did it feel?

What’s a secret you’ve both kept from each other until now?

What’s the best surprise you’ve given or received from each other?

If you could change one thing about your relationship, what would it be?

What’s the most embarrassing moment you’ve experienced together?

What’s one thing you’ve done as a couple that you’re really proud of?

Have either of you ever been jealous in the relationship? When and why?

What’s a habit you both have that the other one secretly finds cute?

What’s one thing you’ve done for each other that made you feel appreciated?

What’s the longest you’ve gone without seeing each other, and how did it feel?

What’s something the two of you have never done together but want to try?

If you could travel anywhere together right now, where would it be?

What’s your favorite way to spend time together when you’re alone?

What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done as a couple?

If you could describe your relationship in one word, what would it be and why?

Truth or dare questions for boyfriend

What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done?

Have you ever had a dream about me? What happened?

What’s the craziest thing you would do for me?

What’s something you’ve never told me but always wanted to?

What’s your biggest fear in a relationship?

What’s your favorite thing about our relationship?

Have you ever felt jealous? If so, when?

What’s your biggest pet peeve about me (be honest, but kind!)?

What’s the best surprise you’ve ever received?

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done around me?

Truth or dare questions for girlfriend

If you could change one thing about our relationship, what would it be?

What was your first impression of me?

What’s your favorite memory of us together?

Have you ever lied to get out of hanging out with me?

What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?

If you could describe me in three words, what would they be?

What’s something you’ve done that you’re afraid to admit?

Have you ever stalked me on social media before we were together?

Who was your first crush, and what happened?

What’s the most romantic movie or song that reminds you of us?

Dare Ideas for Teens

Do your best impression of a celebrity for the next 2 minutes.

Let the person next to you redo your hairstyle.

Sing the chorus of your favorite song at the top of your lungs.

Do a silly dance in the middle of the room for one minute.

Talk in an accent for the next 3 rounds.

Get quizzed on common knowledge trivia. If you get the answer wrong, do another dare.

Let someone in the group write something on your arm with a marker.

Do 20 jumping jacks while singing the “Happy Birthday” song.

Text someone a random emoji and don’t explain why.

Wear socks on your hands for the next 10 minutes.

Act like a cat until your next turn.

Give a compliment to every person in the room.

Let someone draw a mustache on your face with a washable marker.

Share the first photo in your phone’s camera roll.

Make up a 30-second rap about something in the room.

Try to do the worm dance.

Walk across the room while balancing a book on your head.

Pretend to be a waiter and take “food orders” from everyone in the group.

Stand on one leg for the next two rounds.

Let someone tickle you for 30 seconds.

Do your best animal impression for 30 seconds.

Send a funny selfie to the first person in your contact list.

Let someone else redo your phone’s lock screen.

Talk without using your lips for one full round.

Pretend to be a robot until your next turn.

Say the alphabet backward as fast as you can.

Let someone in the group pick a YouTube video for you to watch and act out.

Make the weirdest face you can and hold it for 30 seconds.

Pretend to be the person on your left for the next 3 minutes.

Give a 1-minute speech about a random object in the room.

​​Let someone else in the group text anyone from your phone.

Try to keep a straight face while everyone else in the group tries to make you laugh.

Let someone paint your nails in a crazy color or style.

Share the last thing you searched on your phone’s browser.

Do 10 cartwheels in a row, or attempt to.

Walk around the room like a crab for 1 minute.

Talk in a baby voice for the next 5 minutes.

Pretend to take a shower fully clothed (without water, of course!).

Try to do a handstand or headstand for 10 seconds.

Put your shoes on the wrong feet and wear them for the next 10 minutes.

Pretend to be a dog and let everyone in the group “pet” you for 1 minute.

Do your best impression of your favorite cartoon character.

Pretend to be a waiter and serve drinks or snacks to everyone for the next 5 minutes.

Sing everything you say for the next 5 minutes.

Stack as many objects on your head as possible and walk across the room.

Do an impression of your favorite animal for the next minute.

Let someone tickle you for 30 seconds.

Dance with no music for 1 minute while everyone claps.

Give someone a piggyback ride across the room.

Attempt to do a yoga pose chosen by the group.

Balance on one foot for 30 seconds without falling.

Do your best evil villain laugh for 30 seconds.

Act like you’re a famous person giving an acceptance speech for an award.

Let someone put a random accessory on you and wear it for the rest of the game.

Hold a plank position for 30 seconds.

Pretend to be a robot and move around the room for the next 2 minutes.

Pretend to be an alien introducing yourself to humans.

Good Dares for Teens

Act like you are a chicken for the next minute.

Sing the alphabet in a silly voice.

Act like you’re stuck in slow motion for 1 minute.

Make up a dance move and teach it to everyone in the group.

Let someone in the group give you a nickname and use it for the rest of the game.

Let someone in the group style your hair however they want.

Walk around the room while balancing a pillow on your head for 2 minutes.

Sing your favorite song but replace the words with “meow.”

Act like a pirate for the next 2 minutes.

Create a handshake with the person next to you and teach it to the group.

Pretend you are swimming on the floor for 1 minute.

Hold your nose and talk for the next 3 rounds.

Let someone draw a funny picture on your arm with a washable marker.

Try to make everyone in the group laugh in under 1 minute.

Let someone in the group redo your socks and shoes however they like.

Speak only in questions for the next 5 minutes.

Balance a cup on your head and try to walk across the room without dropping it.

Stand on one foot and hop around the room for 1 minute.

Do 10 push-ups while someone counts in a silly voice.

Pretend you’re a chef and describe how you’d cook your favorite dish.

Make up a nickname for everyone in the group and use them for the rest of the game.

Pretend to be a weather reporter and give the current “weather report” for your room.

Do your best impression of an alien and communicate with the group for 1 minute.

Put on two mismatched shoes and wear them for the rest of the game.

Draw a self-portrait with your eyes closed.

Dares for couples

Give each other a compliment, but make it as creative as possible.

Take a funny selfie together and post it on social media (optional!).

Dance together for 1 minute without music.

Make up a secret handshake in 30 seconds.

Whisper something sweet into each other’s ears, then share what was said.

Let the group decide a new couple nickname for you both, and use it for the rest of the game.

Serenade each other with a funny love song for 30 seconds.

Hug each other for 10 seconds without laughing or breaking the hug.

Switch phones and send each other a cute text message.

Recreate your favorite movie or TV show scene as a couple.

Hold hands and say three things you love about each other without breaking eye contact.

Do a silly dance together for 30 seconds and let the group rate it.

Let one person in the group ask you both a surprise question, and answer it together.

Draw a picture of each other with your eyes closed, then show the group.

Make a video saying why you love each other, and send it to a friend or family member.

Switch a piece of clothing with each other and wear it for the next 10 minutes.

Act out how you first met but do it in reverse order.

Take turns feeding each other a snack while blindfolded.

Give each other a piggyback ride across the room.

Hold hands and share one secret you’ve never told each other before.

Dares for Girlfriend

Sing your favorite song while doing a silly dance.

Let your boyfriend style your hair any way he likes.

Do an impression of your favorite movie character for one minute.

Text a funny selfie to your best friend without any explanation.

Wear your boyfriend’s shoes for the rest of the game.

Let your boyfriend choose an outfit for you to wear on your next date.

Attempt to do a cartwheel or another gymnastic move (safely!).

Eat a spoonful of a condiment chosen by your boyfriend (ketchup, mustard, etc.).

Speak in a foreign accent for the next three rounds.

Do a blindfolded taste test and guess the food items your boyfriend gives you.

Let your boyfriend apply makeup on you while blindfolded.

Try to juggle three small objects for one minute.

Recite a romantic poem in a dramatic voice.

Exchange an item of clothing with your boyfriend for the rest of the game.

Draw a portrait of your boyfriend using your non-dominant hand.

Act out a scene from your favorite romantic movie.

Let your boyfriend tickle you for 30 seconds without trying to stop him.

Share an embarrassing childhood photo with your boyfriend.

Dance without music for one minute while your boyfriend provides commentary.

Make up a song about your boyfriend and perform it.

Dares for Boyfriend

Do 20 push-ups and then serenade your girlfriend.

Let your girlfriend paint your nails any color she chooses.

Wear a funny hat or accessory chosen by your girlfriend for the rest of the game.

Attempt to walk in your girlfriend’s shoes for one minute.

Prepare a snack for your girlfriend with ingredients she selects.

Speak in rhymes for the next three rounds.

Let your girlfriend style your hair in any way she likes.

Do an impression of your girlfriend and see if she can guess who it is.

Allow your girlfriend to post a fun status update on your social media (optional).

Try to do a yoga pose chosen by your girlfriend.

Let your girlfriend give you a temporary tattoo with a washable marker.

Tell a joke and keep a straight face while your girlfriend tries to make you laugh.

Create a short rap about your day and perform it.

Act like a waiter and take your girlfriend’s order for an imaginary meal.

Let your girlfriend blindfold you and feed you a snack—you have to guess what it is.

Do a silly dance for one minute without music.

Wear one of your girlfriend’s accessories for the rest of the game.

Draw a portrait of your girlfriend using your non-dominant hand.

Attempt to braid your girlfriend’s hair.

Give your girlfriend a piggyback ride around the room.

Dares for Truth or Dare over Text

Send a funny GIF to the third contact in your phone.

Text someone a random emoji and don’t explain why for 10 minutes.

Send a voice message of you singing your favorite song.

Text your crush or friend and ask for their favorite joke.

Send a picture of the first thing you see when you close your eyes and turn around.

Text a random number with a silly message like “Do you have my pet dinosaur?”

Change your profile picture to the silliest photo in your camera roll for the next hour.

Send a text to someone saying, “Guess what?” but don’t reply after they ask, “What?”

Text a friend using only emojis and see if they can figure out what you’re saying.

Send a voice message saying the alphabet backward as fast as you can.

Send a selfie making the funniest face you can.

Text a friend and compliment them in 5 different ways.

Send a message to the last person you texted, pretending to be an alien.

Ask someone in your contacts to tell you a funny story.

Text a friend and tell them you just saw a celebrity (make up who it is).

Send a voice message laughing as hard as you can for 10 seconds.

Text your best friend and say, “I have a secret,” but don’t tell them what it is for an hour.

Text someone asking for their opinion on something completely random, like “What’s your favorite type of tree?”

Send a message to a random number saying, “I’m outside your house!”

Text your sibling or friend asking them to guess what you’re thinking of (don’t give them any clues!).