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Dear Kids, Here’s Why We Have No Plans for Spring Break

Dear Kids,

We know you have been begging incessantly to go somewhere fun and exciting for spring break, but we’re sorry to say it’s not going to happen. We have no plans for spring break.

We know you are disappointed with this news, but let us explain why…

You see, the truth is, you are expensive to raise.

We are tapped out. Our bank accounts are drained.

You know all those sports you love to participate in? Your swim club and travel soccer team? Your baseball and wrestling and skiing and volleyball? Well, you know we pay for all of that. And for some of your sports, it’s super expensive. We pay a lot of money for good coaching and great experiences, but we believe it’s worth every penny to see you thrive and work hard doing something you love. We call that a win.

There are other bills that drain our bank account, too. The grocery bills are enormous, just trying to keep the fridge and pantry full to satisfy your insatiable appetites. And due to our crazy busy family schedules, we eat out a lot. It all adds up.

Then there are the expenses required to keep our cars running, our house warm, and your bodies covered with clothes and shoes that fit. Funding your growth spurts costs money. If you’d just stop with all the growing, maybe we could set some of that money aside for, say, your college tuition?

Speaking of which, what little extra cash we have left must go to savings if you want any help with college or whatever you plan to do when you graduate from high school. As of now, we only have enough to afford your books for the first semester.

It’s a rough reality, we know, but parenting comes with lots of bills. We are grateful we can pay them, but adding anything else right now is impossible.

Believe us, we would also love to go somewhere. Anywhere, really. We would love to take a break from this sometimes-monotonous life of working and parenting and paying bills. We would love to give you new experiences outside of our little town, too.

As much fun as it would be to go on a vacation together, we have a lot to appreciate in our lives right here, right now.

We have our home, which has hosted many celebrations and activities over the years, and we have each other. As much as we would enjoy a trip for spring vacation, the most fulfilling things in life are found in connection and community—and we have been abundantly blessed with both.

So while you’re dreaming about leaving our small town for some far away destination, try to remember how good we have it here, okay?

We can still hold out hope of walking along white sandy beaches or touring the cobblestone streets of some quaint city, because there’s a world out there we all want to see. Maybe someday we’ll get you there.

But for now, we have no plans for spring break. Instead, we must keep up with the bills and try to be responsible with our finances, because that’s what adults do. And remember, we’ve made some pretty amazing memories right here where we’re at.

Let’s be grateful for that.

And Netflix. We’ll always have Netflix.

Christine Carter writes about motherhood and parenting, health and wellness, marriage, friendship, and faith. You can find her work on her blog,, and several online publications. She is the author of Help and Hope While You’re Healing: A woman’s guide toward wellness while recovering from injury, surgery, or illness.” And Follow Jesus: A Christian Teen’s Guide to Navigating the Online World”. 

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