It’s prom season, so cue the parental protests about our teenager’s prom dresses. They’re too low. Too high. Too, too tight. Too everything, right?
Well, we don’t entirely disagree. But we’ve been wondering. Were our prom dress styles so much better?
Welcome to a trip down memory lane with Your Teen‘s “best of the worst” styles from prom-nights past.
Prom Dress Styles Over The Ages
1. Laura Ashley
Remember when you could go to prom covered chin to toe in lace? Yes, you were nicely covered, but would you be caught dead in that dress today?
2. Hair and ruffles in the 1980s
Raise your hand if you went to prom wearing an explosion of taffeta, tulle, bows, sequins, and ruffles. And the hairdos. Wow. It’s so hard to believe anyone let you leave the house looking like that.
3. Gunne Sax
Ooh, Gunne Sax. Every girl’s dream outfit. So feminine, right? You went to prom looking like you stepped out of Little House on the Prarie. But hey, who remembers that stuff anyway.
4. Southern Belle
If you grew up in the South, apparently you went to prom dressed like Scarlett O’Hara. The hats. Worse yet, the colors. And you couldn’t forget a parasol.
5. Move over Mariah Carey in the 1990s
We’ll concede that 1990s prom dresses were somewhat more tasteful except … guess who started the trend toward those sexier prom styles we’re complaining about today. Yep. In the 90’s, the style was skimpy, sexy, and high heels.
6. Sunglasses at night
Let’s not let the boys off the hook for their prom clothes. Nope. They didn’t make such good fashion choices either. Saturday Night Fever, here we come.
Tell us what you wore to prom! We’d love to hear about it.