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300+ Fun and Wild Never Have I Ever Questions for Teens!

Never Have I Ever is one of the most iconic games for teens to play at birthday parties, sleepovers, or if you’re simply hanging out with friends! With questions ranging from embarrassing experiences to spicy intimacy, this game is a fun way to learn more about your friends and have lots of laughs. This game is a great conversation starter and similar to other group games including would you rather. If you’re ready to put your friends to the test and see who’s done the most unexpected things, check out our list of Never Have I Ever questions for teens!

How to Play Never Have I Ever

The rules for Never Have I Ever are easy to learn and the game works best with a group of friends. Everyone starts by holding up ten fingers. One person begins by saying, “Never have I ever…” followed by something they’ve never done, like “Never have I ever gone surfing.” Anyone in the group who has done that activity must put one finger down. Then, the next person takes a turn saying a new Never Have I Ever statement, and the game continues around the group. The last person with at least one finger still raised wins. The game is an opportunity for friends to learn funny and unexpected things about each other.

Best Never Have I Ever Questions for Teens

  1. Never have I ever broken a bone.
  2. Never have I ever stayed up all night.
  3. Never have I ever fainted.
  4. Never have I ever gotten lost at the mall.
  5. Never have I ever cried during a movie.
  6. Never have I ever gone to a concert.
  7. Never have I ever met a celebrity.
  8. Never have I ever been on TV.
  9. Never have I ever fallen asleep in class.
  10. Never have I ever walked into the wrong restroom.
  11. Never have I ever been on a rollercoaster.
  12. Never have I ever forgotten someone’s birthday.
  13. Never have I ever been to a wedding.
  14. Never have I ever gotten stung by a bee.
  15. Never have I ever gone fishing.
  16. Never have I ever been in a car accident.
  17. Never have I ever gone to the movies alone.
  18. Never have I ever been on an airplane.
  19. Never have I ever lost my phone.
  20. Never have I ever eaten something I found on the floor.
  21. Never have I ever been in a talent show.
  22. Never have I ever stayed in my pajamas all day.
  23. Never have I ever gotten gum stuck in my hair.
  24. Never have I ever gone sledding.
  25. Never have I ever had a bad haircut.
  26. Never have I ever watched an entire TV series in one weekend.
  27. Never have I ever had a nickname I hated.
  28. Never have I ever gone viral on social media.
  29. Never have I ever been in a parade.
  30. Never have I ever been in a play.
  31. Never have I ever used crutches.
  32. Never have I ever laughed so hard I cried.
  33. Never have I ever climbed a tree.
  34. Never have I ever had to run to catch a bus or train.
  35. Never have I ever cried over a book.
  36. Never have I ever been inside a cave.
  37. Never have I ever slept through my alarm clock.

Embarrassing Never Have I Ever Questions

  1. Never have I ever tripped in public.
  2. Never have I ever laughed so hard I peed a little.
  3. Never have I ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong person.
  4. Never have I ever called someone by the wrong name.
  5. Never have I ever had food stuck in my teeth without realizing it.
  6. Never have I ever waved at someone who wasn’t waving at me.
  7. Never have I ever walked into a glass door.
  8. Never have I ever fallen off a bike in front of people.
  9. Never have I ever gotten my hair stuck in something.
  10. Never have I ever spilled a drink on myself in public.
  11. Never have I ever gotten stuck in an elevator.
  12. Never have I ever texted someone while I was angry and regretted it.
  13. Never have I ever tried to take a selfie but my camera was on video mode.
  14. Never have I ever snorted while laughing.
  15. Never have I ever slipped on ice.
  16. Never have I ever ripped my pants.
  17. Never have I ever forgotten someone’s name right after meeting them.
  18. Never have I ever answered a question in class, only to realize I was completely wrong.
  19. Never have I ever waved at someone I thought I knew, but they were a stranger.
  20. Never have I ever walked around with toilet paper stuck to my shoe.
  21. Never have I ever choked on my own spit.
  22. Never have I ever tripped up the stairs.
  23. Never have I ever walked out of a bathroom with my zipper down.
  24. Never have I ever spilled something all over myself in a restaurant.
  25. Never have I ever sent a message and immediately regretted it.
  26. Never have I ever burped in the middle of a conversation.
  27. Never have I ever sneezed and accidentally farted.
  28. Never have I ever mistaken a stranger for someone I knew.
  29. Never have I ever fallen asleep in an awkward place.
  30. Never have I ever accidentally texted my crush something embarrassing.
  31. Never have I ever walked straight into a pole.
  32. Never have I ever misheard song lyrics and confidently sang them wrong.
  33. Never have I ever fallen out of my chair.
  34. Never have I ever been caught staring at someone.
  35. Never have I ever sent a screenshot of a conversation to the wrong person.
  36. Never have I ever called my teacher “Mom” or “Dad.”
  37. Never have I ever gone to school or work with two different socks.
  38. Never have I ever told a joke and no one laughed.
  39. Never have I ever accidentally liked an old post while stalking someone’s profile.

Food and Beverage Never Have I Ever Questions

  1. Never have I ever eaten a whole tub of ice cream in one sitting.
  2. Never have I ever tried a food challenge.
  3. Never have I ever eaten food that fell on the floor.
  4. Never have I ever stolen fries from someone’s plate.
  5. Never have I ever pretended to like a meal someone cooked for me.
  6. Never have I ever dropped food on my clothes while eating.
  7. Never have I ever eaten breakfast food for dinner.
  8. Never have I ever eaten an entire pizza by myself.
  9. Never have I ever mistaken salt for sugar.
  10. Never have I ever taken a sip of something thinking it was one thing, but it was something else.
  11. Never have I ever put the wrong condiment on my food.
  12. Never have I ever double-dipped in a shared dip.
  13. Never have I ever eaten something off someone else’s plate when they weren’t looking.
  14. Never have I ever burned my tongue because I was too impatient to wait for my food to cool.
  15. Never have I ever accidentally eaten a wrapper or part of the packaging.
  16. Never have I ever eaten something that was way too spicy and immediately regretted it.
  17. Never have I ever eaten food from the fridge that wasn’t mine.
  18. Never have I ever eaten an entire bag of chips in one sitting.
  19. Never have I ever sneezed while eating and made a mess.
  20. Never have I ever eaten something expired.
  21. Never have I ever used a spoon when a fork was clearly needed.
  22. Never have I ever eaten raw cookie dough.
  23. Never have I ever ordered way too much food at a restaurant and couldn’t finish it.
  24. Never have I ever eaten something that was supposed to be for someone else.
  25. Never have I ever put way too much seasoning on my food.
  26. Never have I ever taken a bite of food that was still frozen in the middle.
  27. Never have I ever tried to flip a pancake and failed miserably.
  28. Never have I ever started eating something and realized it wasn’t mine.

Funny Never Have I Ever Questions for Teens

  1. Never have I ever talked to myself in the mirror.
  2. Never have I ever tried to befriend a squirrel.
  3. Never have I ever danced in an elevator.
  4. Never have I ever tried to do a TikTok dance and failed.
  5. Never have I ever said, “You too!” after a waiter said, “Enjoy your meal.”
  6. Never have I ever Googled myself.
  7. Never have I ever accidentally liked an old Instagram post while stalking someone.
  8. Never have I ever answered my own question out loud.
  9. Never have I ever attempted a magic trick that completely failed.
  10. Never have I ever walked into a room and completely forgotten why I was there.
  11. Never have I ever made a joke that no one laughed at.
  12. Never have I ever tried to push a door that said “pull.”
  13. Never have I ever texted someone while they were in the same room.
  14. Never have I ever attempted to high-five someone and completely missed.
  15. Never have I ever tried to balance a spoon on my nose.
  16. Never have I ever dropped my phone on my face while lying down.
  17. Never have I ever put my phone in the fridge by accident.
  18. Never have I ever started laughing at a completely inappropriate moment.
  19. Never have I ever forgotten my own age.
  20. Never have I ever talked to a pet as if they could understand me.
  21. Never have I ever accidentally waved at a stranger thinking they were someone I knew.
  22. Never have I ever been caught making faces at myself in the mirror.
  23. Never have I ever lost something and found it in my hand.
  24. Never have I ever sent a text to the wrong person and made it awkward.
  25. Never have I ever danced alone in my room like I was in a music video.
  26. Never have I ever made a dramatic exit but had to walk back for something I forgot.
  27. Never have I ever randomly started talking in an accent for no reason.
  28. Never have I ever accidentally put on mismatched socks or shoes.
  29. Never have I ever laughed at a joke I didn’t understand just to fit in.
  30. Never have I ever gotten stuck in my own clothing while trying it on.
  31. Never have I ever tried to take a cool photo but failed miserably.
  32. Never have I ever made an awkward comment and immediately regretted it.
  33. Never have I ever tripped on my own shoelaces.
  34. Never have I ever accidentally texted “love you” to the wrong person.
  35. Never have I ever pretended to know the words to a song and just mumbled.
  36. Never have I ever tried to send a funny meme but sent the wrong one.
  37. Never have I ever sent a text that made no sense because of autocorrect.
  38. Never have I ever forgotten what I was saying mid-sentence.
  39. Never have I ever laughed so hard at my own joke that I couldn’t finish it.
  40. Never have I ever pretended to text someone just to avoid awkward small talk.
  41. Never have I ever walked into the wrong house thinking it was mine.
  42. Never have I ever been in a group chat I wanted to leave but didn’t.
  43. Never have I ever tried to secretly take a picture of someone but accidentally used flash.
  44. Never have I ever accidentally walked into the wrong classroom.
  45. Never have I ever laughed at something completely inappropriate at the worst time.
  46. Never have I ever forgotten someone’s name even though they just told me.
  47. Never have I ever gotten so into a song while driving that I missed my turn.
  48. Never have I ever followed someone on social media and then immediately unfollowed out of embarrassment.
  49. Never have I ever said “you too” when someone said “Happy Birthday.”
  50. Never have I ever caught myself making funny faces while concentrating.
  51. Never have I ever walked around all day with a sticker or tag still on my clothes.
  52. Never have I ever mistaken a mannequin for a real person.
  53. Never have I ever accidentally replied to a text that wasn’t meant for me.
  54. Never have I ever left my headphones plugged in and blasted music in public.
  55. Never have I ever forgotten what I was searching for while on my phone.

Juicy and Spicy Never Have I Ever Questions for Teens

  1. Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s sibling.
  2. Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher.
  3. Never have I ever written a love letter.
  4. Never have I ever been in love.
  5. Never have I ever sent a risky text and regretted it.
  6. Never have I ever gone on a date just for the free food.
  7. Never have I ever had a secret crush on someone in this room.
  8. Never have I ever stalked my crush online.
  9. Never have I ever flirted with someone just to make someone else jealous.
  10. Never have I ever had a crush on two people at the same time.
  11. Never have I ever been asked out and turned someone down.
  12. Never have I ever been friend-zoned.
  13. Never have I ever had a crush on a celebrity and actually believed I had a chance.
  14. Never have I ever tried to play matchmaker for my friends.
  15. Never have I ever had a crush on my best friend.
  16. Never have I ever dated someone just because my friends liked them.
  17. Never have I ever used a pickup line on someone.
  18. Never have I ever called someone “babe” by accident.
  19. Never have I ever dreamt about my crush.
  20. Never have I ever lied to a friend to avoid hanging out.
  21. Never have I ever pretended to be sick to get out of plans.
  22. Never have I ever ignored a friend’s text on purpose.
  23. Never have I ever ditched a friend to hang out with someone else.
  24. Never have I ever given someone bad advice on purpose.
  25. Never have I ever had a major friendship breakup.
  26. Never have I ever spread a rumor about someone.
  27. Never have I ever felt jealous of my best friend.
  28. Never have I ever stalked someone’s ex online.
  29. Never have I ever had a crush on my best friend’s ex.
  30. Never have I ever ignored a call just because I didn’t feel like talking.
  31. Never have I ever been in a love triangle.
  32. Never have I ever told a friend’s secret.
  33. Never have I ever deleted a message before someone could see it.
  34. Never have I ever blocked someone on social media.
  35. Never have I ever felt guilty about ghosting someone.
  36. Never have I ever texted my crush but pretended it was an accident.
  37. Never have I ever posted a selfie just to get attention from a certain person.
  38. Never have I ever deleted a post because it didn’t get enough likes.
  39. Never have I ever had a cringey username.
  40. Never have I ever slid into someone’s DMs.
  41. Never have I ever made a fake social media account.
  42. Never have I ever posted something just to make someone jealous.
  43. Never have I ever posted a thirst trap.
  44. Never have I ever checked who viewed my story and overanalyzed it.
  45. Never have I ever subtweeted someone.
  46. Never have I ever lied about my plans online to look cooler.
  47. Never have I ever used a dating app just to see who’s on there.
  48. Never have I ever snuck out of the house.
  49. Never have I ever gone to a party without telling my parents.
  50. Never have I ever stayed out past curfew.
  51. Never have I ever snuck food into a movie theater.
  52. Never have I ever lied about my age.
  53. Never have I ever pretended to be someone else online.
  54. Never have I ever broken something and blamed someone else.
  55. Never have I ever stayed up all night texting someone.
  56. Never have I ever kept a big secret from my parents.
  57. Never have I ever been grounded and still snuck out.
  58. Never have I ever covered for a friend when they lied to their parents.

Never Have I Ever Questions About School

  1. Never have I ever copied someone’s homework.
  2. Never have I ever forgotten to do my homework.
  3. Never have I ever done my homework last-minute before class.
  4. Never have I ever written answers on my hand before a test.
  5. Never have I ever used the internet to “research” but just copied the answer.
  6. Never have I ever written an essay without reading the book.
  7. Never have I ever pretended to have finished my homework when I didn’t.
  8. Never have I ever made up fake sources for a school project.
  9. Never have I ever faked having internet issues to get out of an assignment.
  10. Never have I ever gotten caught passing notes in class.
  11. Never have I ever failed a test and hid the grade from my parents.
  12. Never have I ever written an entire paper the night before it was due.
  13. Never have I ever copied someone’s test answers (even a little).
  14. Never have I ever had a teacher that I was afraid of.
  15. Never have I ever asked to go to the bathroom just to get out of class.
  16. Never have I ever laughed at a joke the teacher made, even though it wasn’t funny.
  17. Never have I ever had a teacher mispronounce my name.
  18. Never have I ever fallen asleep in class.
  19. Never have I ever accidentally said something embarrassing in front of the whole class.
  20. Never have I ever been called on in class when I wasn’t paying attention.
  21. Never have I ever sucked up to a teacher for a better grade.
  22. Never have I ever gotten caught chewing gum in class.
  23. Never have I ever accidentally called my teacher by their first name.
  24. Never have I ever asked for extra credit just to barely pass a class.
  25. Never have I ever laughed so hard in class that I got in trouble.
  26. Never have I ever faked taking notes when I was actually doodling.
  27. Never have I ever given a presentation without preparing for it.
  28. Never have I ever switched seats to sit next to my best friend.
  29. Never have I ever sent a text during class when I wasn’t supposed to.
  30. Never have I ever been put in a group project with people I didn’t like.
  31. Never have I ever had a crush on someone in my class.
  32. Never have I ever gotten the giggles in class and couldn’t stop laughing.
  33. Never have I ever faked an emergency just to get out of something awkward at school.
  34. Never have I ever gotten into an argument with a classmate.
  35. Never have I ever had a teacher call my parents.
  36. Never have I ever accidentally worn something inside-out to school.
  37. Never have I ever made an excuse to skip a school event.
  38. Never have I ever tried out for a school play or musical.
  39. Never have I ever been in a school club just because my friends were in it.
  40. Never have I ever embarrassed myself at a school dance.
  41. Never have I ever won a school award.
  42. Never have I ever had my phone go off in the middle of a school assembly.
  43. Never have I ever been caught breaking school dress code.
  44. Never have I ever spilled something all over myself at lunch.
  45. Never have I ever lost something important at school.
  46. Never have I ever borrowed a pen and never returned it.
  47. Never have I ever forgotten my locker combination.
  48. Never have I ever dropped my lunch tray in the cafeteria.
  49. Never have I ever gotten detention.
  50. Never have I ever forgotten about a school project until the last minute.

Animals and Pets Questions

  1. Never have I ever had a pet dog.
  2. Never have I ever had a pet cat.
  3. Never have I ever owned a reptile as a pet.
  4. Never have I ever let my pet sleep in my bed.
  5. Never have I ever dressed my pet in a costume.
  6. Never have I ever forgotten to feed my pet.
  7. Never have I ever been to a zoo.
  8. Never have I ever fed an animal at a petting zoo.
  9. Never have I ever seen a lion or tiger in real life.
  10. Never have I ever touched a snake.
  11. Never have I ever seen a whale in the ocean.
  12. Never have I ever seen a penguin in real life.
  13. Never have I ever gone on a safari.
  14. Never have I ever had a monkey climb on me.
  15. Never have I ever ridden a horse.
  16. Never have I ever milked a cow.
  17. Never have I ever fed a goat.
  18. Never have I ever seen a pig in real life.
  19. Never have I ever pet a sheep.
  20. Never have I ever given a pig a belly rub.
  21. Never have I ever eaten a bug.
  22. Never have I ever held a butterfly.
  23. Never have I ever been stung by a bee.
  24. Never have I ever caught a firefly.
  25. Never have I ever been scared of a spider.
  26. Never have I ever seen a praying mantis in real life.
  27. Never have I ever seen a scorpion in real life.
  28. Never have I ever gone snorkeling.
  29. Never have I ever found a sand dollar.
  30. Never have I ever seen a raccoon in my yard.
  31. Never have I ever seen a deer in my backyard.
  32. Never have I ever seen a bald eagle in real life.
  33. Never have I ever been pooped on by a bird
  34. Never have I ever seen a bat flying at night.