Powerful Parenting

Powerful Parenting Tips for Handling a Defiant Teen

Nothing gets our blood boiling as much as a defiant teen, whether they’ve ignored your request to unload the dishwasher or slammed the door when you asked about their day.

“When teens disagree with us, they get emotional, which might be as benign as an eye roll or as upsetting as having them yell mean things like ‘I hate you’ or ‘You’re the worst parent ever.’ And rightfully that triggers us,” Dr. Cam says.

Be the one who remains calm.

Teens don’t have the same tools we do. For one, their brains aren’t yet completely formed, which makes them more emotional.

Listen with empathy.

Often parents use their skill of active listening to try to placate their teen. They might say, “I see you’re angry.”

Powerful Parenting Tips for Handling a Defiant Teen

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